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Kickboxing: The Front Kick, Roundhouse Kick, And Side Thrust Kick (From Initiation To Knockout)

The front kick is a popular and highly effective kick that is thrown linearly straight forward, and therefore has the benefit of adding momentums. If the kick is timed to your opponent's advance, he will walk into the kick's line of power, which allows you to use the kick for maximum destruction with minimum effort. The front kick is also used to keep an aggressive opponent at a distance.

The roundhouse kick is probably the most frequently used kick in competition kickboxing. Its popularity stems from the fact that it can be thrown with ease and speed from almost any stance, distance, or angle. It also has multifaceted application and awesome power, which makes it a nearly universal kick.

The side thrust kick is one of the more powerful kicks used in kickboxing. Since this kick requires a bit more hip movement than the front and roundhouse kick, it is usually thrown with your lead leg only. The side thrust kick can be used both offensively to inflict harm and defensively to keep an opponent at a distance.