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Knife Training Methods and Techniques for Martial Artists

The Knife Training Methods and Techniques for Martial Artists series comprises ten shorter books, five in the Knife Offense volume and five in the Knife Defense volume. Each book can be purchased separately in print or electronic format.



Knife Anatomy
Knife Anatomy, the first book in the series, covers the basic characteristics of different blade designs, how to choose a knife that is appropriate for you, and why the knife is deemed a superior weapon.



Knife Carry and Deployment
Knife Carry and Deployment, the second book in the series, covers different ways to carry a knife, why you might choose one carry position over another, and a number of factors you must consider when deciding to deploy the knife. It also enters into a discussion on the importance of seizing the initiative and keeping track of the location of the opponent’s hands and, therefore, his weapon.



Knife Grip and Manipulation
Knife Grip and Manipulation, the third book in the series, covers different ways to grip the knife and the strengths and weaknesses of each grip, how to secure a good grip, how to switch between grips and when it might prove beneficial to do so, and the importance of cutting edge awareness. The book also introduces the reader to several knife attack and defense concepts and provides exercises for practice.



Knife Attacks and Targets
Knife Attacks and Targets, the fourth book in the series, covers the benefits of training in knife offense and target precision, the effects of striking primary and secondary targets, and the ethical considerations of using an edged weapon against an adversary in combat. The book also includes a number of training exercises designed to enhance your assertiveness and timing when attacking with the knife.



Knife Fighting Stance, Footwork, and Dynamics of Motion
Knife Fighting Stance, Footwork, and Dynamics of Motion, the fifth book in the series, covers basic ways to move when advancing and retreating, compares the benefits of holding the knife in the lead versus rear hand, defines and discusses how to attain superior positioning against a knife-wielding opponent, and introduces the reader to basic defense with the knife against kicks and punches. It ends with a discussion of the physics of the stab versus the slash and the dynamics of motion and penetration depth.



Knife Defense Basics
Knife Defense Basics, the sixth book in the series, covers basic knife defense principles, how to recognize a threat and prepare a defense, the importance of seizing the initiative and counterstriking, superior positioning along with an analysis of safety in distance versus closeness, and a number of blocking, deflection, and countering exercises. It ends with a discussion of different types of threats and how to choose a training method that is right for you.



Knife Defense Dynamics
Knife Defense Dynamics, the seventh book in the series, covers dynamic knife defense concepts including seizing the initiative, forcing the adversary to retreat, and taking his balance. It covers different ways to defend against and neutralize the threat in stand-up and ground scenarios. It also includes a discussion about the knife as a weapon of coercion.



Knife-on-Knife and Multiple Opponent Knife Defense Strategies
Knife-on-Knife and Multiple Opponent Knife Defense Strategies, the eighth book in the series, covers commonly taught knife strategies and the factors one must be cautious of when fighting multiple opponents. It discusses knife techniques against single opponents armed with a knife, with emphasis on the training benefits yet dangers of dueling with the knife. It ends with more than a dozen martial arts dummy and partner exercises for further practice and analysis.



Knife and Empty-Hand Defenses Compared
Knife and Empty-Hand Defenses Compared, the ninth book in the series, demonstrates how most empty-hand and knife techniques are interchangeable, or nearly so, with only minor adjustments. The knife can thus be used as an enhancement tool to build speed and precision in your empty-hand techniques. Moreover, should you find yourself in a self-defense situation where you have access to a knife, the muscle memory you have developed by practicing the techniques in your empty-hand martial art will be easily transferable to a large arsenal of knife techniques.



Knife Training and Advanced Martial Arts Concepts
Knife Training and Advanced Martial Arts Concepts, the tenth book in the series, covers the importance of moving from the mechanical to the conceptual stage of learning successful defenses against knife attacks, the relationship between time and timing, factors that trigger the natural speed of your body, how distance and movement can prove elusive, and different ways to disarm the opponent of the use of his weapons.